Promotional Tools – Virtual Food Drive | Food Banks BC

Promoting the Virtual Food Drive (VFD) at a local level

With the increasing numbers of people accessing food banks across BC we are all stretched to secure the food that is needed to help feed the rising numbers of clients.

To help raise much-needed funds for members we have created a province-wide Virtual Food Drive platform. Caring people in our communities can now raise funds for any member food bank.

We are running a province-wide marketing campaign to drive traffic and registrations but the more you can do locally to drive registrations, the more revenue you are likely to generate for yourself. Here are a few ways you can do that:

Outreach to donors / constituents

One of the best ways to promote the VFD is to communicate directly to donors, volunteers or other constituents.  They already know about how important the food bank is and the good work that you do.  And they understand the significant and growing need in your community. Many will be willing to help by setting up a fundraising page to support their food bank. And you never know, some may be connected to, or involved with a large organization and be able to raise significant donations.  

We have provided an email template that you can modify and send out.

The best time to do this is before key fundraising times.  We see most of the VFD activity happening just before Thanksgiving and then a huge increase beginning in November and into December. The key times to promote the VFD and send out invitations to register are:

  • about a week before Thanksgiving
  • early November
  • a reminder later in November
  • early December – consider another in for those looking for a last-minute activity to make an impact in their community at year-end.

You can also include mention and include the link to the VFD in other outreach such as newsletters.

Social Media – Promote and share the VFD link through your social media accounts.

Paid Digital Ads – If you have a small budget, you can run ads on paid advertising platforms.  We have seen that Google Ads and Linked in ads tend to drive the most traffic and provide the best return on investment.  Linked In ads, especially when targeted to HR decision makers who would be involved with employee team-building and charitable initiatives works very well.   

Local Media – Local media may be willing to help.  Food Banks have been a top story for

Local Business Groups / Chambers of Commerce / Service Clubs – Talk to or do a presentation to your local Chamber of Commerce, business group or service club. Especially in smaller communities, food banks may have a strong relationship with these organizations.

Schools – Schools in your community may be interested in setting up a VFD.  It’s a great way to get kids involved in charitable activities and put them on a path toward community investment and philanthropy.  


Promotional Tools

  • Email templates
  • Poster
  • Fact Sheet




Email Template 1

Dear <<name>>

Thank you for being a friend of <<local food bank name>>.

In these challenging times you might be thinking:

  • What is one thing that I can do right now to help people in my community?
  • How do I engage a group of caring people in a meaningful fundraising activity?
  • “How can I make a significant impact beyond a donation to my food bank?”

Setting up a Virtual Food Drive is the answer.

Creating a Virtual Food Drive gives you a way to rally your colleagues, friends and family in meaningful, collective action that helps put food on the tables of people in need – immediately.

Please visit our new Virtual Food Drive website to register to raise funds. This new fundraising initiative has been created to ensure that setting up an online food drive is fast and friendly.

Staff are here to help you with support to ensure you have the best possible experience and that your fundraising efforts are successful. (We’ll even register you and create your fundraising page for you! Just let us know if you would like us to do that.)

Running a  Virtual Food Drive is a fun and engaging way to raise funds for the <<food bank name>> through your company, club or school, with friends and family or through your social network. But more importantly, it is helping many people in our community cope through a difficult time and making each day just a little bit easier.

Thank you for helping people in need.

For any questions or help setting up, please contact Andre at We would be delighted to hear from you.


Email Template 2

Dear <<name>>

2024 was a tough year. For many, that may be an understatement.

All of us have been impacted by the skyrocketing costs of living and food, especially those who are already struggling with food insecurity in our community. In times like these, I’m in awe of the extraordinary work that countless supporters have put into helping us tackle food insecurity in <<community/region>>. We thank everyone involved who is committed to providing healthy food to those who need that extra bit of help during these challenging times.

The expensive cost of living has become the primary reason our clients seek support for our services. This past year we have registered <<number of new clients>> new food bank clients.

It’s hard for us to keep up!  Because of this, your support is even more critical now.

According to the annual Hunger Count report created by Food Banks Canada, in March 2023, there were nearly 2 million visits to food banks in Canada. Additionally, the number of visits to food banks in British Columbia is increasing even more than the national average.  BC stats?

We <<distributed ##pounds of food/served # clients/provided # hampers, etc>> last year and cannot continue to do that without your support and generosity. Creating a Virtual Food Drive allows you to rally your colleagues, friends and family in meaningful, collective action that helps put food into the hands of people in need immediately. Register your Virtual Food Drive today!

VFD support staff are always available to help you in every step of your fundraising efforts.

In gratitude,

<<your name>>

Email Template 3

Thank you for being a great supporter of << food bank name>> in the past and helping to provide healthy, nutritious food for those in need in our community.

This year your support is even more important.

The recent 2024 Hunger Count Report from Food Banks Canada states that: (*numbers updated october 2024)

  • BC Food bank visits have increased by 81% since 2019, with over 2 million visits to food banks across Canada in March 2024 alone.
  • The number of seniors (65+ years) accessing food banks has increased by 10% in the past 2 years.
  • Much of the increase can be attributed to a greater number of people requiring more frequent visits to the food bank because of the combined impacts of low income and rapidly rising costs of living.
  • One third of food bank clients are children who are greatly overrepresented at food banks compared to the general population. The higher costs related to raising a family, along with rising interest rates, are making households with children vulnerable to poverty and hunger.

We are at a time when there are even greater pressures and challenges for those in need.

<< food bank name>> is here to ensure that all those in need are helped.

But, we cannot do it without your support and generosity.

Creating a Virtual Food Drive gives you a way to rally your colleagues, friends and family in meaningful, collective action that helps put food into the hands of people in need immediately. Please visit our new Virtual Food Drive website to register.

Staff are also available to help you with support to ensure you have the best possible experience and that your fundraising efforts are successful.

Thank you.


30% of BC food bank clients are children

23% of BC food bank clients are employed

11% of BC food bank clients are seniors

13% of BC food bank clients are on fixed-income

BC food bank families

14% of BC food bank clients are single-parent families

BC food bank clients are 19% two-parent families

Over 188,000 meals/snacks in a month



BC food bank clients are 30% children

1 in 5 BC food bank clients are employed

BC food bank clients are 11% seniors

1 in 8 food bank clients are on a pension

BC food bank family statistics

BC food bank clients are 14% single parent households

BC food bank clients are 19% two-parent households

Over 188,000 meals in a single month


Why VFDs (title slide)

Better Food (slide 2)

Cost and Labout (slide 3)

Buying Power (slide 4)

Distribution (slide 5)

Menu Planning (slide 6)