Fundraising Resources – Virtual Food Drive | Food Banks BC

Ask – Make a personal appeal to your colleagues, friends and family. Use the tools inside you Fundraising Center to send emails or just share your page link via your own personal email.

Include everyone in your campaign – Be proud to raise funds for your food bank and invite everyone to help. Include friends, family, work colleagues, teammates, club members – anyone. Most people understand how important the work of your food bank is, and some may even know someone who has used a food bank before. You may be surprised at who will donate to support you.

Follow up – It is easy for people to overlook emails. They are probably not ignoring you. Send at least one follow-up email and repost on your social media to keep your campaign in front of followers.

Add a video to your fundraising page  – This can be linked on your personal Virtual Food Drive page or your Team's page.  

Make a personal donation to kick off your fundraiser – It's important that you make your own personal donation to kick start your campaign. Lead by example, the amount of the first donation will set the bar for others to follow. Others generally feel more comfortable donating if they see that someone else has.

Make sure donors share their support – In your requests, ask donors to click the 'Share' button on your personal page. When donors share their donation, about 20% of the time it results in a new donation of $15 on average!

Get a match – Ask your employer if they would make a generous 'matching gift' of the total amount or portion raised.

Leverage the reach of social media – Post your campaign on all your social media platforms - share your Virtual Food Drive on Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram, LinkedIn and any other social media you use.

+ Thank donors – Thanking your donors in a timely manner will show them how much you appreciate their support to your fundraiser. They might be likely to make a second gift as well!