Virtual Food Drive for the Holiday Train - Golden Stop
Held by Communities of Golden and CSRD Area A
Supporting: Golden Food Bank
The CPKC Holiday Train is back, celebrating its 26th anniversary this year! Join us in at the CP Rail Yard in Golden (across from 7Eleven) on December 16th at 2:00 PM for a festive afternoon featuring live music, cookies and hot chocolate!
This year we are encouraging Golden residents to consider making a monetary donation through a Virtual Food Drive instead of bringing a non-perishable item to the event. Cash donations help us purchase our most needed dry goods at bulk discount prices, and fresh food like milk, eggs, and produce - ensuring our food access programs support a healthy diet.
If you plan to donate a food item, here are a few things to think about:
- Many of the food donations we receive dont make it onto our shelves because they are too far past the best before date or have previously been opened. Inspecting the item(s) you want to donate using the criteria below saves us time and valuable storage space during the busy holiday season!
- We are not able to accept open, expired, damaged, or homemade food items.
- Dry goods are fit for consumption past their best before date within the following guidelines provided by Food Banks Canada:
Canned, jarred, and bottled food items are good for 1-2 years past best before; Boxed and bagged food items are good for 6-12 months past best before
Please don't give items that are too far past their best before date.
About Food Insecurity:
Food insecurity applies to individuals, couples and families who cannot afford the quality and quantity of food they need to avoid hunger. This can range from having to buy exclusively low-cost or low-nutrition foods or simply not being able to afford groceries at all.
Right now, one in five British Columbians are struggling with food insecurity, and the high cost of living and food prices are affecting all of us. There were over 2 million visits to food banks in Canada in March 2024 - the highest number in history. In Golden and Area A, we have seen a steady rise in demand for food access support over the last number of years. Food insecurity can impact us all at different times and for different reasons - the GFB is here to help!
About the Golden Food Bank:
The Golden Food Bank Society has been active in our community for over 23 years. We support an average of 177 households with emergency food assistance each month, and 215 households at our peak this year. 634 residents have accessed our Food Bank program at least once this year - thats a number equivalent to 17.4% of the towns population. Despite these high numbers, food insecurity and affordability issues are impacting many more people who do not go to food banks for help.
Together we are making a difference. Over 2,700 hampers filled with fresh produce, meat, dairy, dry goods, toiletries, diapers, and formula have been distributed so far in 2024; food that wouldn't have been on the table otherwise. Our Affordable Market, $10 Meal Kit, and Food Rescue programs make food support more accessible to more people, "feed" the sustainability of our programs, and reduce food waste in our community. (To learn more about us and our programs, visit www.goldenfoodbank.ca)
On behalf of our staff, volunteers, Board of Directors, and community we serve - thank you in advance for supporting the Golden Food Bank's Holiday Fundraising Campaign, helping us make sure that everyone in our community has access to fresh and healthy food year-round!