Mayne Island Community Pantry

Held by Mayne Island Food Bank
Supporting: Mayne Island Food Bank
$32.00 Raised
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Fundraiser Donors

  1. Jessie Christophersen
  2. Anonymous


Food insecurity is on steeply the rise in Canada, and Mayne Island is no exception. Although the number of people accessing food at the pantry has quadrupled in the past year, our funding remains the same. Can you help?

Food Banks BC has generously offered us the use of the Virtual Food Drive platform in order to raise funds for our community pantry. The site is free for us to use and automatically issues tax receipts (which is awesome for us - less time issuing tax receipts = more time sourcing food!).

Ten facts about the Sktak/MI community pantry:

1) The number of people accessing the pantry has more than quadrupled in the past twelve months

2) Our funding has not increased at all, and food donations are becoming increasingly sparse as food insecurity becomes more widespread

3) We currently feed around 125 Mayne Islanders every week

4) 20+ of those Mayne Islanders are children

5) Most of our donors are community pantry users

6) Almost everyone who accesses the pantry works full or part time on Mayne, although we do have seniors on CPP and some remote workers as well

7) Our most common origin story is that people are working at jobs that used to pay enough to live off - but wages have not kept up with cost of living

8) We've got proactive strategies underway! We realize cost of living may continue to increase and are looking at ways we can continue more sustainably with less reliance on government funding

9) Although we work with multiple organizations throughout the Gulf Islands, all donations raised through our virtual food drives go directly towards feeding Mayne Islanders

10) We are currently searching for a new home - we need more space!

Online donations are also tax-deductible. Please check your email inbox or spam folder for an automated tax receipt once your donation is successfully processed.